Indus Hospital

Transition to reliable, efficient & paperless operations


Indus Hospital Lahore sought transition to a paperless operation, aligning with their mission to support a green environment and improve record keeping & healthcare delivery. This required a robust data center capable of hosting the entire medical and administrative data securely and efficiently. Our team completed the commissioning of a 16-rack data center with comprehensive cooling, fire, and power backup solutions, ensuring N+1 redundancy within four months. This upgrade was essential for enhancing patient care, ensuring data security, and streamlining operations.

Problems Faced by the Client

Existing Data Center Issues: The existing data center did not meet healthcare industry standards, resulting in significant downtime and data loss. Critical patient data and expensive medical equipment were at risk due to the non-compliant data center.

Need for Paperless Operations: Indus Hospital aimed to eliminate paper usage, streamline medical record management, and enhance patient care by moving towards a fully digital operation

Data Security and Management: The existing system was prone to failures and downtime, leading to data loss, mismanagement, and security vulnerabilities, which compromised patient safety and operational efficiency.

Impact on Healthcare Operations

Downtime and System Failure: Frequent system failures and downtime disrupted healthcare services, significantly affecting patient care and hospital operations.

Data Loss and Mismanagement: Frequent issues with data loss and mixing led to inefficiencies in patient record management and care coordination.

Security Concerns: The lack of a robust data management system resulted in security risks and potential breaches, jeopardizing patient confidentiality and compliance with healthcare regulations.

Operational Delays: Inefficiencies and data issues caused delays in medical procedures and administrative tasks, hindering the hospital's ability to provide timely and efficient healthcare services.

Challenges Encountered

Time Constraint: The major challenge was the transition had to be speedy & project to be completed in a limited timespan as the hospital operations were being effected by the existing system.
Data Storage Requirements: The transition to paperless operations required substantial server space to host and manage electronic health records (EHRs) and other critical data.
Data Security and Management: The existing system was prone to failures and downtime, leading to data loss, mismanagement, and security vulnerabilities, which compromised patient safety and operational efficiency. The system to be installed had to be flawless in terms of data security & management.

Strategies Implemented

Design and Implementation of Data Center: We designed and implemented a data center tailored to the healthcare industry, providing a reliable and secure environment for storing and managing EHRs and other critical medical data.

Comprehensive Infrastructure Solutions: The data center included advanced precision cooling systems, fire detection, alarm and suppression mechanisms, and power backup solutions with N+1 redundancy to ensure continuous operation and compliance with healthcare standards.

Customized Design with Schneider Electric Solutions: Utilizing Schneider Electric’s solution designer for data centers, we tailored the infrastructure to meet Indus Hospital’s specific healthcare needs, ensuring optimal performance, scalability, and compliance with industry regulations.

Scalable and Flexible Infrastructure: The solution was designed to accommodate future growth and evolving healthcare requirements, aligning with the hospital's long-term goals and improving patient care.

About Indus Hospital & Health Network

Indus Hospital & Health Network is a non-profit organization in Pakistan, providing accessible, high-quality primary, secondary & tertiary healthcare facilities to all, regardless of their ability to pay. Through innovative approaches and community engagement, IHHN strives to uphold its vision of a healthier, more equitable society for all.

Benefits to the Client

Enhanced Data Management and Security: Our provided solution ensured secured & enhanced data management, with almost every aspect of data center given a keen consideration including fire hazards, secured record keeping, optimal performance & scalability.

  • Improved Data Integrity: The robust data center infrastructure significantly reduced instances of data loss and mismanagement, ensuring the integrity of patient records and other critical data.
  • Enhanced Security Measures: Advanced security protocols and redundancy features ensured the safety and integrity of sensitive patient data, complying with healthcare data protection regulations.

Operational Efficiency:

  • Reduced Operational Delays: The reliable and efficient data center infrastructure minimized operational disruptions and delays, enhancing the hospital’s ability to provide continuous patient care enhancing operational efficiency to the maximum.
  • Streamlined Processes: Transitioning to a paperless operation streamlined workflows, reducing the time and resources spent on managing physical records and enabling better coordination of patient care lead to better management and efficient operations in the hospital.

Sustainable Operations: This accounts for reducing environmental footprint while enhancing operational efficiency in the healthcare operations. Sustainable operations are the key to a better maintained, sustainable tomorrow.

  • Support for Green Environment: By going paperless, Indus Hospital made significant strides in supporting their mission for a greener environment, reducing paper waste and the hospital’s carbon footprint.
  • Energy-Efficient Infrastructure: The data center was designed with energy efficiency in mind, reducing the hospital's overall carbon footprint and operational costs.

Measurable Outcomes: The most vital aspect of any project is the outcome and how to measure its success. The following record made it evident that the overall project was a success, beyond what ENA had promised to deliver.

  • Reduction in Data-Related Issues: There was a marked decrease in data loss incidents and security breaches, enhancing patient safety and regulatory compliance.
  • Increased Operational Uptime: The N+1 redundancy ensured continuous operation with minimal downtime, supporting uninterrupted patient care.
  • Cost Savings: The reduced need for physical storage and paper handling led to significant cost savings, allowing the hospital to allocate more resources towards patient care and medical advancements.