CEO’s Message

The year 2020 marked a major turning point for our society. Along with the heightening of uncertainties brought about by Covid 19, people’s lifestyle and workstyle as well as medical, educational and other social systems as a whole underwent major changes.

Through these changes we have experienced the great power and value of IoT and efficient cost effective energy management technologies. These digitally spurred social changes are more likely to continue from now on. I would like to see ENA stand at the center and be the driver of these dynamic changes. In doing so we have a responsibility to transform our strengths into the concrete value of safety, security, fairness and efficiency from the standpoint of consumer, and to continuously deliver these values to our society. I believe this is exactly what society expects from us, in other words, this is purpose of ENA.

To fulfil this purpose, we endeavor to connect digital technologies and human hopes, and to implement a vision of brighter and greener environment friendly future world.

Selecting an Energy Efficient Technology and IoT services partner is a foundational decision and one that is likely to cause ripples of impact throughout your organization for years to come. That decision bears tremendous weight in my mind, encouraging myself and the ENA team to bring our very best to each engagement. We Believe in Building Lasting Partnerships

Mr. Amir Salman